Weekly Update - May 30 , 2021

| 5.30.21 |

This Sunday, Rayshawn Graves will be continuing in our series in Romans 8 titled, “If God is For Us” . This week’s passage will be Romans 8:2-4 . Last week’s sermon can be heard here. If you’re planning to watch online check us out this week on Facebook Live Sunday morning at 10:30am

We want to encourage you to take a moment this week as you prepare for our time together on Sunday by reading and praying through the passages. 

Consider thinking through these four questions as you read and pray. 

  1. How can I adore God from this passage?

  2. What sin does this passage lead me to confess?

  3. How does this passage help me to thank Jesus?

  4. From this passage, in what ways can I ask God's Spirit to help me this week?

Community Groups Are Back!

…and they are meeting through the Summer from May through July. Communities are our primary gatherings outside of Sunday morning where we can connect with each other and grow together through fellowship, God’s word, and discipleship. Click below on one of the communities to reach out to a Community Leader for more information.

Got Prayer?

If there's something you'd like for our leaders and our church to be praying with you about, fill out the prayer request form.

Evidences of God’s Grace

The elders would love to hear about and celebrate the ways that God’s grace is working in your life or how you’ve witnessed God’s grace in the life of other members of WEBC. Let us know here.

Church Center App

download the Church Center App on iOS or Android and search: West End Baptist Church to connect with us!

Community Groups

visit our Community Groups page and sign up for our Summer 2021 Community Groups! We also have an online option.

Weekly Resources

Here are some resources that our elders recommend checking out this week. Please feel free to use them as discipleship opportunities to discuss with one another.

Church Membership: Loving What Jesus Loves Jesus is passionate for his church. Jesus doesn’t simply love the idea of a church and identify with the church in the abstract. Jesus loves, identifies with, and shed his precious blood for actual local expressions of his church. And we are to love, identify with, and sacrifice for the local church as well.

I've Sinned Again...Will God Forgive Me? The way we cast off “the sin which clings so closely” (Heb. 12:1) is by believing the declaration that God has already cast off these sins for us. And when God casts something away, it can never be caught. When we confess our sins by looking to Christ, God entirely removes our sins. He throws them the unretrievable distance of east to west. And this he does again and again and again.

Show Your Roots  The watching world, our church family, and our children need to see that growth in Christ isn’t something that just magically occurs by our own strength, or that it is for a special few on whom the Lord has placed His favor. It’s not a “super-Christian” thing…it’s a supernatural work done through the Holy Spirit and the power of God in the lives of His kids.