Weekly Update - June 13 , 2021

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This Sunday, Rayshawn Graves will be continuing in our series in Romans 8 titled, “If God is For Us” . This week’s passage will be Romans 8:9-11 . Last week’s sermon can be heard here. If you’re planning to watch online check us out this week on Facebook Live Sunday morning at 10:30am

We want to encourage you to take a moment this week as you prepare for our time together on Sunday by reading and praying through the passages. 

Consider thinking through these four questions as you read and pray. 

  1. How can I adore God from this passage?

  2. What sin does this passage lead me to confess?

  3. How does this passage help me to thank Jesus?

  4. From this passage, in what ways can I ask God's Spirit to help me this week?

Community Groups Are Back!

…and they are meeting through the Summer from May through July. Communities are our primary gatherings outside of Sunday morning where we can connect with each other and grow together through fellowship, God’s word, and discipleship. Click below on one of the communities to reach out to a Community Leader for more information.

Got Prayer?

If there's something you'd like for our leaders and our church to be praying with you about, fill out the prayer request form.

Evidences of God’s Grace

The elders would love to hear about and celebrate the ways that God’s grace is working in your life or how you’ve witnessed God’s grace in the life of other members of WEBC. Let us know here.

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20 Days of Prayer

Hey everyone, 

I pray that God’s grace and peace are with you this week! As you know, we are currently in the process of transitioning out of our current location and praying about where the Lord would lead us next. Recently, our talks with another local church in the area about possibly leasing their space have come to an end.  Our elders have been praying and discussing all the options and possibilities moving forward and we appreciate those of you who have reached out to express your support and offer suggestions. Thank you! 

As leaders during this season of our life together as a church, we desire that all of us would be of the same mind, have the same love, be united in spirit, and intent on one purpose in making Jesus known in our city. We know that the church isn’t the physical building that we meet in, but the people who God has called to Himself in this particular local expression of His global body. We believe that together we can seek the Lord and that He will direct our steps to wherever He leads us next. 

For the next 20 days, we invite you to join us in prayer and fasting for the Lord’s direction for our next season and location. In this, we aren’t simply praying for a place to meet, but for the Lord to continue to work in our congregation as we seek to grow into who God wants us to be for His glory and our joy. Prayer reminds us of the unity that we have in Jesus and His binding us together in the peace that He’s purchased for us. 

We have included a 20 Day Prayer Guide along with an article written by Redemption Hill elder, Mark Becton about drawing near to God through prayer and fasting. Here’s an excerpt from the Prayer Guide

We are seeking the Father together over the  next 20 days to lead us to our new church location.  This prayer-guide, however, is more than a simple  “God, answer us” request. It’s actually a personal  prayer guide where we each ask God to “FILL ME,”  “LEAD ME,” and “SHOW ME.”  

Praying “Father, FILL ME,” we are each asking  Him to confront areas where we are not like Him. In  Praying, “Father LEAD ME,” we want Him to lead  us in seeing the lostness around us and the joy of  sharing the gospel. When praying “Father, SHOW  ME,” we are requesting that He show us His activity in  our past and present that we may trust and submit to  whatever He asks.  

We know that, because of Jesus,  the Lord will hear us as we pray to Him through the next 20 days and He will direct our steps! Thank you for praying and for supporting us. We are grateful for you and we look forward to what the Lord will do in our church in the coming days and weeks!

Grace & Peace, 


Church Center App

download the Church Center App on iOS or Android and search: West End Baptist Church to connect with us!

Community Groups

visit our Community Groups page and sign up for our Summer 2021 Community Groups! We also have an online option.

Weekly Resources

Here are some resources that our elders recommend checking out this week. Please feel free to use them as discipleship opportunities to discuss with one another.

Grace At Rock Bottom We know God is faithful, strong, and an ever-present help in time of need, but it is when we hit rock-bottom that we experience him in that way. Jonah prays out of his distress, and God answers.

The Holy Spirit Changes Everything Stop and think, really think about the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was dead. Not breathing, not moving. He had no heartbeat, his lungs stopped working, his brain was no longer active for three days. And then on the third day, Jesus was alive again. Just like that. The same Spirit that did the impossible and brought a dead man to life again is living in us.

The Existence of Love Means God Is Real  If you are compelled to love in a truly sacrificial way but find yourself balking at the truth claims of Christianity, I would urge you not to put down your philosophical musings and logical reasoning, but to add alongside it a focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ.