Weekly Update - September 22, 2019

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<September 22>

This week we’ll be continuing in our series, “DNA: A Series on Who We Are” that focuses on our purpose: We exist to display the greatness of Jesus, through proclaiming the gospel of God’s kingdom, pursuing Christ in community, and participating in God’s mission.

Rayshawn will be preaching from Romans 12:9-13. Last week’s sermon can be heard here.

We want to encourage you to take a moment this week as you prepare for our time together on Sunday by reading and praying through the passages. 

Consider thinking through these four questions as you read and pray. 

  1. How can I adore God from this passage?

  2. What sin does this passage lead me to confess?

  3. How does this passage help me to thank Jesus?

  4. From this passage, in what ways can I ask God's Spirit to help me this week?

Songs We'll Be Singing Together

Because Sunday morning is a time and space where we come together around God's word, we want to come expectant and prepared to gather with God's people. An additional way we want to encourage this is by providing the songs we'll be singing together in advance.

  1. Blessed Be Your Name

  2. I Will Sing of My Redeemer

  3. O Great God

  4. Before The Throne of God Above

  5. O How Good It Is

What’s Happening?

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WEBC Members Meeting

On Sunday, September 22nd, join us for lunch after service followed by our quarterly meeting for WEBC members.


Community Groups

Community Groups are starting back! Click here for more information about our groups.


Connected Families Conference

On September 27th-28th, Redemption Hill will be hosting a Connected Families conference. Click here for more information and to register

Weekly Resources

Here are some resources that our elders recommend checking out this week. Please feel free to use them as discipleship opportunities to discuss with one another.

What You Share When You Show Christian Hospitality “Hardly anything is more characteristic of Christian love than hospitality. Through the ministry of hospitality we share the things we value most: family, home, financial resources, food, privacy, and time. In other words, we share our lives.”

The Ministry of Presence The local church doesn’t need people of outsized talents or rare abilities as much as it needs normal people with full-out commitment. Your church and my church can thrive only when there is a dedicated core who make it their mission to be there, to make their main ministry the ministry of presence.

How Long? So we continue to pray. We weep with those who weep. We seek out and reach out our hands to our struggling brothers and sisters. We don’t ignore the suffering around us, but we live with the hope that makes every suffering grow impossibly dim. All things will be made new, and it will be far more beautiful than the most creative human mind can begin to imagine.

Got Prayer?

If there's something you'd like for our leaders and our church to be praying with you about, fill out the prayer request form.